Support Us

Interested in supporting the work we do at Better Breed Cameroon?  Thank you, there are multiple ways you can!

Buy Memorabilia/Hire Betterment Briefs Consultants

We at Better Breed Cameroon have always considered it imperative that we have sustainable ways to fund our youth development and social change work. As such we came up with Memorabilia as our social enterprise unit and Betterment Briefs as a paid consultancy service. The BEST WAY to support us is to Shop Memorabilia and hire our Betterment Briefs consultants for your next projects! 
In this way, you will be helping us to demonstrate African-youth led sustainable development work and philanthropy. Thank you!

Join our team either a core member, patron/advisor, or a volunteer.

A. Patrons/Advisors

These are persons or groups who voluntarily support the Better Breed Cameroon’s work on a limited basis. They do not dedicate themselves to every project and have the flexibility to decide which project to contribute towards based on their interest areas. Patrons do not commit financially with the regularity required of members but pledge various resources to the success of specific projects. They show their support to Better Breed Cameroon by either offering their technical skill, funds, network, location or tools to ensure the realization of one or more of the association’s activities. An example of a patron is Mr Collins Fonsho who has supported the organization for years as a judge of our annual Sama Randy Youth Write Contest.d our youth development and social change work. As such we came up with Memorabilia as our social enterprise unit and Betterment Briefs as a paid consultancy service. The BEST WAY to support us is to Shop Memorabilia and hire our Betterment Briefs consultants for your next projects! 
In this way, you will be helping us to demonstrate African-youth led sustainable development work and philanthropy. Thank you!

B. Core Members

Core members are the backbone of Better Breed Cameroon’s activities. They are the initiators and main funders of the association’s programs. Members pay a minimum amounts as their financial dues which go towards the running of Better Breed Cameroon’s core programs. In addition, they oversee the operations in the association such as deciding on projects to be run, developing, and approving budgets, organizational affiliations, recruitments, management of the research unit, Betterment Briefs, and the management of Memorabilia for social enterprise. Members represent the NGO to the larger community, or any platforms invited to as such and are expected to be active in the conception and implementation of projects.

C. Volunteers

Better Breed Cameroon takes on volunteers on a on a rolling basis depending on the projects the association plans to run. Membership at this level is best for those in Cameroon who believe our work and can commit to serving the association with their time and energy for short stints at a time. Though their service is voluntary, the association always partially remunerates volunteers for their assistance with stipends depending on the project at hand and expenses incurred.

If interested in supporting us by any of the above forms of membership, please send us a statement of interest via email to This formal statement of intent should include details on your person, declare your desire to support the association, the specific resource you will be supporting with, the limits to which you are committing yourself and/or the specific project to which you commit.

Make a Donation!

All projects we execute are offered to Cameroonian youths at either a discounted fee or no charge at all, by making a donation, you support the association’s capacity to keep it this way.  Thank you! 

To donate you can use the following details of the organization’s bank account, the merchant code for Mobile Money transactions, OR email us at either or to discuss alternate means of sending financial support. 

Bank Account details:

Account Name: Better Breed Cameroon
Account no: 315 450 067 67
Bank name: Ecobank Cameroon
Bank Address: ECM Agence Buea Cameroon
IBAN: CM2110029260223154500676712

MTN Cameroon Mobile Money Account Details:

Merchant Name: Better Breed Cameroon

 Code: *126*4*579251*amount#