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We’re passionate about offering/sharing opportunities for growth and betterment among young Cameroonians.

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Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can change unless it is faced.
James Baldwin
Join us in facing the Challenge of Bettering Cameroon
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I am no longer accepting the things i cannot change, I am now changing the things i cannot accept.
Angela Davis
Find out how we are changing the things we can no longer accept in Cameroon!
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Writing is a life-affirming act.
juliane Okot Biket
Read/Subscribe to our blog where we bear witness to change action for a better Cameroon
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I write these words to bear witness to the primacy of resistance struggle in any situation of domination.
Bell Hooks
Read/Subscribe to our blog where we bear witness to change action for a better Cameroon
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Power concedes nothing without an Organized demand.
Charlene Carruthers
At betterment briefs we research and organize for data-backed change action
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