Rearing A Better Breed: The Teacher’s Role

As the world prepares to pay tribute to the unsung heroes and heroines that have had so much of an impact in the lives of everybody living on earth today come October 5th 2014, many of us sit and reminisce about our school days. We had favorite subjects, teachers and even favorite hang outs around school campuses. Back then, learning was fun because teachers made sure that you learn, retain and have fun. This was quiet easy as those where the generation of teachers who truly made the profession noble with their passion and selfless dedication. Today, from the most acclaimed president to the billionaire entrepreneur all had one person to help pave the rough roads and hedges and make them smooth rides to success and that one person is the teacher. A “please sir” or “please, madam” as many were called.
These please sirs and madams didn’t also hesitate to take the cane aka mulongo to the way ward child. These mulongos no doubt helped beat many a student back into shape. Furthermore, many of these teachers encouraged curiosity and feeding our starving minds and brains by encouraging us to dare to read and explore books beyond the class room exam only routine prevalent today, which no doubt has played a major role in helping many of us retain what we learned two decades ago or more. Yes those where the days of teaching.
Nowadays, those going into the teaching profession lack that calling, that passion. Many see it simply as a means to make ends meet. Small wonder that schools today flounder, student performances and attitude towards school has taken a dismal downward spiral. Many schools are understaffed and lack unqualified teachers especially as many shy away from duty posts because of the number one problem plaguing the teaching profession prolonged delay in salaries especially for young graduates still struggling to build their lives.
That notwithstanding, as the world celebrate October 5th and gives odes and tributes to these vital members of society, problems plaguing the educational milieu are still rampant. Poorly trained teachers who cannot even pronounce words infiltrate the class rooms and leaves the students more depressed than challenged. Better Breed Cameroon seeks to redress this situation and by working in close collaboration with some few selected schools, is out to make a difference. This difference is readily noticeable with some of its laudable projects such as the BETTER BREED reading project. Since we believe reading is a tool that can best be used to change society and encourage critical thinking, this corner is aimed at doing just that with the collaboration of a few selected schools for starts. Are teachers a major part of this fight to rear a better generation of better breed individuals? The answer is a solid yes. Join us to salute the light bearers and pace setters of any generation especially a better breed one.


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