A Better Breed Resolution

Happy New Year to all of you reading this!!

Hope the year has begun on a positive note for each of you… and if it hasn’t; each new day is hope for a new start, change things, you are not a tree!

Speaking of change, you know our Cameroonian saying: “New year, new fashion? What new habit or resolutions did you make for 2015?

Some of you didn’t bother. It’s like they say, resolutions are a to-do list for the first week of a new year. BUT we at Better Breed have an idea for a New Year Resolution you SHOULD take up.

How many times have you wished for a better Cameroon? Every time you are asked for a bribe or see someone asking for a bribe? Each time you go into a government office and those there treat you as though they are doing you a favor by doing the job they are paid for? Each time you hear a speech full of lofty speeches?

If you are like us, you shake your head in disappointment, shame and anger on a regular basis.

Why not change things? Yes CHANGE things. People often see change as something huge. We look for change in things like a new law, an imprisonment of a top official, or change of Head of State…

While all of that would be considerable change, we at Better Breed believe change begins from within. It is a decision. A decision not to give up on your country despite the problems, a decision not to pay bribe, nor ask for it. A decision not to litter the roads, a decision not to blame the government for everything, nut take some of the responsibility yourself. Don’t get it wrong, our leaders owe us a great deal and have undoubtedly failed us in much. But have you thought of how many times we have failed ourselves and our own country?

Your country might not be doing its best for you, but it is doing something… as compared to other countries let me tell you, we have something to be grateful for. So this year, lets resolve to be DO something, no matter how little for our country. From here on out we’ll be sending out material on we find useful and informative for being a better Cameroonian citizen, leader and youth. A lot of us do not know our own laws so we break them or have others break them ignorantly, we do not know what to do when our rights are abused, Or how to participate better. Better Breed resolves to make some effort towards addressing this.

But first; if you agree to our suggested resolution, take up the Better Breed Challenge:

  1. Think of what you can do as an individual that would make even the littlest corner our country better.
  2. Take a photo of yourself holding a message of what your positive action will be and the hash-tags: #IamtheChange #IamtheBetterBreed
  3. Share the photo on OUR Facebook page, on YOUR Facebook Page and generally on all the groups and pages you can… May our message go far and wide.




Join the movement for a better Cameroon. We can do it.



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