Our Year in Review

     When Better Breed Cameroon was being set up two years ago this week, it was a dream. A fragment of a dream, held together with equal measures of hope and the readiness to be disappointed. But two years later our disappointments are yet to outweigh our capacity to hope. And that is what keeps us going.

This year has been a good one for Better Breed. So we decided to put together a timeline of our activities to display how far we have come, and to encourage those who believe along with us that we are the change we need. Only starting as individuals can truly change our nation for the better… Join the movement

January-April 2014

Our New year began on an ambitious note with the YouResolve Mentoring Project: We thought about all the resolutions one make at the beginning of the year and how it would work out much better if only we had we had mentors guiding us along or inspiring us as the led the way. We all need examples and some help even if its just someone who can listen and believe in our dreams. Thus this first edition of Better Breeds mentoring project sought to match youth with older achievers in their related fields who could mentor or just help them network.

Mentor-mentee collage

The project definitely had some glitches some mentors were just too busy to commit 100% and some mentees couldn’t take the networking opportunity hands on. But post evaluation we know what went wrong and how to address it for the next edition.


In May Better Breed was represented by Monique Kwachou and Brian Tamungang at the local consultations of the implementations of the post-2015 development agenda



The coordinator joined the British High Commission in saying it was #TimetoAct against sexual and gender based violence in conflict

time to act


In July Better Breed Cameroon will be partnered with TanabE for the TanabE’s Annual Summer Camp (TASC). TASC; a two day symposium held with the primary objective of changing the youth participant’s approach to education.  The camp held at Tongou Hotel at Etoa Meki, Yaounde. Monique Kwachou of Better Breed spoke on making the most out of the average educational experience and thinking outside of the box. Over 60 participants attended and received first copies of the What Next? Newsletter.



With the GCE examinations over, Better Breed began officially distributing the What Next? Newsletter with an outreach led by Brian Tamungangmag outreach

What Next? Newsletter attempts to serve as a guide to youth who just completed high-school and are on the brink of life-changing decisions such as what to study and where as well as what career to pursue to best fulfill them


On September 3rd Better Breed launched the pioneer Better Hope Bursary.

Call for applications went out, submissions were sent in and the first set to be granted this humble award were: Takor Sharon Mbiaya & Nkesi Kevin Kongnyu of the University of Buea. The recipients had their school fees, registration and dues paid under the direction of Mrs. Marilyn Mbua, the financial officer of Better Breed.BHB


Book Drive Flyer1

 Better Breed launched the Better Minds Book Drive towards the end of October. We are still collecting books to donate to schools in 2015. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.



On Worlds AIDS Day (December 1st) Better Breed member Fri Delphine represented at an awareness campaign at Polytechnic Bambui where she engaged youth with an original sketch written to cater for the purposes of the day.

On the 3rd of December; International Day of Persons with Disabilities

BBC Disabilities day

Better Breed members; Nina Forgwe, Diane Manka, and Ms. Arrey Echi targeted the school for the deaf in Yaounde (ESEDA). Their opinions on the day left a lot to be desired. In typical Cameroonian fashion, Ms. Echi stated, the day was being celebrated elsewhere with fanfare and for show. They were unable to meet with the director because he was at the event with speeches and refreshments while the workers of the school had not been paid for months on end and the students conditions were far from celebration worthy.

Well… That’s a run-down of what 2014 had in store for us. It is not grand but it shows that little by little we can make a difference.

Be conscious, join the movement… Be the #BetterBreed


Guess what I forgot to add; this blog!

Better Breed Journal is another baby born this year. Enjoy!


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