Category: News and Updates

News and Updates

9 Jul 2024

En 2023, BBCam fêtait 10 ans au service de la recherche, de l’éducation, du plaidoyer, de la mobilisation et de l’anticipation d’un Cameroun meilleur. À cette occasion, nous marquions une pause d’un an afin de

News and Updates

9 Jul 2024

In 2023, Better Breed Cameroon (BBCam) celebrated 10 years of researching, educating, advocating, mobilizing and anticipating a Better Cameroon. On this occasion, we took time off to reflect, going on a one-year hiatus to consider

News and Updates

31 Jan 2024

From the desk of Founder and Outgoing Executive Coordinator- Monique Kwachou It’s January 2024 This same month in 2013, I embarked on the formal establishment of Better Breed Cameroon, receiving the stamped ‘acceptance’ from the

News and Updates

18 Jan 2021

Introduction Better Breed Cameroon is a not for profit youth-led association with the head office in Buea. The association strives to complete at least four major projects per year. The nature of some of these projects

News and Updates

7 Jan 2019

Introduction Better Breed Cameroon is a not for profit youth-led association which operates, most of the time, out of Buea. The association strives to complete at least four major projects per year. The nature of some

News and Updates

8 Jan 2018

Intro Better Breed Cameroon is a not for profit youth-led association which operates majority of the time out of Buea. The association strives to complete at least four major projects per year. The nature of some of

News and Updates

26 Dec 2016

As we come to the close of 2016, Better Breed Cameroon’s team takes stock of the past year. 2016 was a ground breaking year in many ways. Our association finally received its legal registration number

News and Updates

16 Nov 2016

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                     16-11-16 2017 SAMA RANDY YOUTH WRITE CONTEST   Better Breed Cameroon a youth-led, youth-focused philanthropic initiative is relaunching its annual youth essay competition against 2017. Taking previous feedback into consideration, the association

Home, News and Updates

31 Oct 2016

October is back to school month for university students in Cameroon. Better Breed Cameroon, though a youth development association targeting young people in all institutions has university students as primary target for most of its

News and Updates

13 Sep 2016

Once again it is scholarship season and opportunities to further your studies are being advertised (if you’re paying attention) on all mediums. Between now and February (2017) annual state and corporate scholarships such as the