Category: News and Updates

News and Updates

9 Sep 2015

Here’s a brief presentation on Better Breed Cameroon. You are cordially invited to join the movement… Be the change you want to see, breed the change we need to see for a Better tomorrow Introducing

News and Updates

9 Jul 2015

Note: This month’s blogpost is an excerpt from Better Breed’s “What Next?” Publication. It is dedicated to all those students who just completed the A’ Levels and are looking forward to grander things. Please

News and Updates

29 May 2015

  Most National Days originate from the country’s Independence Day; America’s 4th July, Ghana’s sixth of March, Namibia’s 21st of March and so on. In Cameroon, this is not the case. We rather celebrate a

News and Updates

22 Apr 2015

  Here at Better Breed we aim to encourage and inspire Cameroonian youth to believe in their worth and ability to achieve. What better way to do so than give recognition to those who have

News and Updates

8 Mar 2015

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is “Making it Happen”. In Cameroon as usual the theme offered by the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Family is different: Assessing the Implementation of the Beijing Platform 20

News and Updates

8 Feb 2015

Not so long ago, a friend and I were talking and the topic of African philanthropy comes up. She argued that Africans, Cameroonians in particular, don’t give like Westerners do. For one, you don’t see

News and Updates

7 Jan 2015

Happy New Year to all of you reading this!! Hope the year has begun on a positive note for each of you… and if it hasn’t; each new day is hope for a new start,

News and Updates

16 Dec 2014

When Better Breed Cameroon was being set up two years ago this week, it was a dream. A fragment of a dream, held together with equal measures of hope and the readiness to be

News and Updates

24 Nov 2014

A few months back the coordinator of Better Breed Cameroon was awarded a Chevening Scholarship to study in the UK for a Masters degree in Education, Gender and International Development at the Institute of Education,

News and Updates

6 Oct 2014

As the world prepares to pay tribute to the unsung heroes and heroines that have had so much of an impact in the lives of everybody living on earth today come October 5th 2014, many